This site is created by the Regional Water Providers Consortium. If you’re looking for the official source of information about the Regional Water Providers Consortium, please visit our homepage at
The Regional Water Providers Consortium is committed to good stewardship of our region’s water through conservation, emergency preparedness planning, and water supply coordination. By working collaboratively, the Consortium and its members achieve economies of scale implementing regional programs that save customers money.
This Site is intended to serve as a mechanism for communication between the public and the Consortium.
The City of Portland Water Bureau has an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) and under this agreement that the Consortium reserves the right to remove comments or postings that violate any applicable laws or the City of Portland - Social Media Terms of Use, Prohibited Content and Disclaimer located at
Postings on this site are Public Records of the Regional Water Providers Consortium and may be subject to disclosure under the Oregon Public Records Law.
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